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This is a list of tee times for the competition 'PGA Pro-Am' you have selected.
Select the tee time and category of each player, then press the 'Book Now' button.
All prices quoted are in GBP.

If you are a member of this club, you may login to view the player names on the timesheet.

Tee Time Availability and Rates for PGA Pro-Am on Wednesday 31-Jul-2024
Time Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 Book
  PGA Pro-Am. SHOTGUN START at 11am.
Play alongside a leading PGA Scotland Professional .
Pre-Round Warm-Up Session with your Pro and Team.
One Pro and Three Amateurs per team.
Two Best Nett Scores to count per hole.
Amateur Teams Prize Pot £1,225
Tea / Coffee and Breakfast Roll from 9 am.
- followed by your team warm-up session.
Hot Buffet Style Dinner after Play, then Prizegiving.
Entry Only £95 Per Person. Complementary Range Balls.
Enter as a Team or Individually.
Maximum Handicap Index: Gents 18.4, Ladies 24.4.
Higher handicap values will be capped at these indexes.
*** Hole Sponsorships Available 01828 633322 *** 
11:00 Booked Booked Booked Booked  
  The Team above have kindly sponsored a Hole:
Castle Group Scotland Ltd.
Specialists in Structural Repair, Refurbishment, and Restoration. 
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