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Open Competition Tee Time Availability

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This is a list of tee times for the competition 'Junior Open' you have selected.
Select the tee time and category of each player, then press the 'Book Now' button.
All prices quoted are in GBP.

If you are a member of this club, you may login to view the player names on the timesheet.

Tee Time Availability and Rates for Junior Open on Thursday 18-Jul-2024
Time Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 Book

To help us with our pre-competition administration, please enter all players
ages as at 1st January 2024 (if you know them) in the 'Other Requirements' Box
when completing the entry form. Alternatively email us with them later.

Although we will endeavour to keep your tee time the same, or as
close to, the one you select, the final draw will be emailed to you and will
be published on our Web Site by Tuesday 16th July at the latest. 
10:45 Booked Booked Booked
10:54 Booked
11:03 Booked Booked Booked Booked  
11:12 Booked Booked
11:21 Booked
11:30 Booked
11:39 Booked
11:48 Booked
11:57 Booked
12:06 Booked
12:15 Booked
12:24 Booked
12:33 Booked Booked
12:42 Booked Booked
12:51 Booked
13:00 Booked