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This is a list of tee times for the competition 'Ladies Greensome' you have selected.
Select the tee time and category of each player, then press the 'Book Now' button.
All prices quoted are in GBP.

If you are a member of this club, you may login to view the player names on the timesheet.

Tee Time Availability and Rates for Ladies Greensome on Thursday 05-Sep-2024
Time 1st Pair 2nd Pair Book
36 Hole Pairs Competition
Thursday Greensomes Medal & Friday Foursomes Medal  
(same time each day)
Gold Course
Max Handicap Index 28
Entry Fee (includes both days) Members £15.00 Visitors £30.00 each

Open to members of recognised (non virtual) Golf Clubs
 with a fully developed handicap (at least 20 scores on their record)
Please submit your CDH number & Home Club at time of entry.

All golfers using a personal buggy must provide proof of Public Liability
Insurance (min value of £2,000,000) before play.  The policy must Include the
Road Traffic Act. 
Bronze Course
Max Handicap Index 36
Entry Fees Members £10.00 Visitors £20.00 each

Open to members of recognised (non virtual) Golf Clubs
 with a fully developed handicap (at least 20 scores on their record)
Please submit your CDH number & Home Club at time of entry.

All golfers using a personal buggy must provide proof of Public Liability
Insurance (min value of £2,000,000) before play.  The policy must Include the
Road Traffic Act. 
14:20 Booked
14:50 Booked Booked  
15:00 Booked Booked  
15:10 Booked Booked  