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Open Competition Tee Time Availability

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This is a list of tee times for the competition 'Ladies Or Gents 9 Hole Open Competition' you have selected.
Select the tee time and category of each player, then press the 'Book Now' button.
All prices quoted are in EUR.

If you are a member of this club, you may login to view the player names on the timesheet.

To view member rates please login.

Tee Time Availability and Rates for Ladies Or Gents 9 Hole Open Competition on Wednesday 12-Jun-2024
Time Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 Book
  Open Mixed 18 Hole  Singles Stableford

Incorporating a 9 Hole Competition

White & Red Markers

Open to Members - Guests - Visitors

Members €6 Guest's €20 Visitors €25 
16:12 Booked
16:20 Booked
16:28 Booked
16:36 Booked
16:44 Booked
16:52 Booked
17:00 Booked
17:08 Booked
17:16 Booked
17:24 Booked
17:32 Booked Booked
17:40 Booked